Residential & Commercial Inspection Services

Know exactly what you're buying before you get in too deep.
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Very professional inspection. TJ is well versed in all 'HOME' knowledge, easy to understand, timely, and extremely informative. Thank you for a job well done.

Mollie G.

Lafayette, IN

When a person buys a home they want to make sure that it's in excellent working condition inside and out. At Tolley, we provide our clients with over 30 years of residential construction experience to make sure their investment is protected.

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Who's this for...

Buyers Icon


Our company is first time home buyer friendly.

Sellers icon


Prepare your home to get the maximum value possible.
Investors Icon


Ask about our multi-dwelling & commercial inspection service.

Get in touch with a home inspection pro today

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Have Questions? Call Us at 765-414-6891
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Every home buyer deserves to know exactly what they're buying...

Unfortunately that's not always the case...

If you're a new home buyer and you're in need of a home inspection, you want to make sure the company gives you a detailed honest breakdown of the property, right?
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Some challenges along the way...

T.H.I. Services offers experience with the most inspection services in one call to help keep the inspection process simple and stress-free.

Inexperience Icon


The biggest risk when buying a home is hiring an inexperienced home inspector.
Limited Services Icon

Limited Services

Some home inspectors don't offer the additional inspections that your bank may require.
Stress Icon


Buying a home can be a stressful process. Getting your home inspected shouldn't be.

At the end of the day, buying a home is one of the biggest purchases you'll make in your life. And the home inspection is what protects that purchase for years to come. 

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Here's what you'll get with T.H.I. Services...

Stress Free Process Icon

Stress-Free Process

We make things simple. Request an inspection. Meet the inspector. Get your report within a day.
Full Service Inspector Icon

Full Service Inspector

If you or your bank needs additional inspections, we have you covered.

30 Years Experience Icon

30 Years Experience

You'll enjoy peace of mind with our 30 years of experience. Referral Based Since 2016

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Inspections Offered




Pools / Spa



Sewer Line

Drone Services

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The home inspector's report will review the condition of the property:

  • Roof
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • HVAC System
  • Visible Insulation
  • Basement
  • Crawlspace
  • Structure
  • Ceilings
  • Floors
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Attic
  • Interior
  • Exterior
  • And More
House Blueprint Image

The #1 Question to Ask a Home Inspector Before You Hire Them and Why It Matters...

When it comes to hiring a home inspector there's really only one major thing you need to ask them. And no, we're not talking about, "How much do you charge?" Most are competitively priced.

"How much residential construction experience do you have?"

The difference between inspectors is their experience.

A Certified Master Inspector offers proof of their experience.

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Why Choose T.H.I. Services

Home Inspector: As your highly recommended home inspection company we do our best to gather all the information about the home.  

Home Inspection: We take the time to discuss our findings so you're more inclinded to make the right decision for your family. 

Fast Reports: Our informative and detailed report comes via email within 24 hours or less of the inspection.

Full Service and Specialty Inspections: We offer several options to accommodate your Residential or Commercial Inspection needs.

We are dedicated to our Clients. Always feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns anytime. 

New Parag

Our Promise to You

Easy Appointment setup

We welcome you to attend the inspection

Contact Us Anytime via Text or Email

Fast Reports

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How It Works

Request an Inspection Icon

Request an Inspection

Just click the Request an Inspection button and we will have a quote back to you today. 
Review Quote Icon

Review Quote

Next, we'll deliver your quote to your email so you can review it and ask any questions.
Schedule Inspection Icon

Schedule Inspection

If you love the quote, which I know you will, you can schedule your inspection with us.
Request an Inspection

What to expect...

Step 1
Attend Inspection Icon

Schedule an Inspection

We will take care of scheduling and send you your inspection links.

Step 2
Detailed Report Icon

Detailed Report

You'll receive your detailed home inspection report within 24 hours.
Step 3
Dream Home Icon

Dream Home

Finally, you can relax because you're the proud owner of a home that's going to last.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How soon can we get scheduled?

    We get you in as soon as possible. We do our best to accommodate your schedule Click here now to see what's included.

  • What will the inspection cost?

    Our fees are square feet based. Additional services are discounted with your Home Inspection. Bundle and Save!! 

  • What all do you inspect?

    Our inspection agreement outlines services that are not part of the Home Inspection. 

  • How far do you travel?

    We focus on Tippecanoe County and surrounding Counties. We are State Licensed and can travel. Additional travel fees may be applied. 

  • Do we need to be present during the inspection?

    We always encourage our clients to attend the inspection. 

    Present any questions or concerns you may have ahead of time. [Questions arise throughout the inspection. Please take notes of any questions you come up with.] We will be sure to get with you after the inspection to go over our findings. During the inspection, please let the inspector focus on the inspection. This is to your advantage. 

  • How long have you been inspecting?

    Great question!! Since 2016, we have been helping homebuyers from all walks of life achieve what they want out of an inspection. The truth. We do our best to explain everything you’ll need to know to make the right choice moving forward.

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What's My Investment?

When it comes to the biggest investment of your life you can never be too careful. Hiring the wrong person can cost more than just a few hundred bucks. Take the guesswork out of the home inspection process and hire T.H.I. Services today. Plus, you're going to save big time.

Basic Home Inspections start at $350.00

Ancillary Services Start at $150.00

Get A Lifetime of Value Starting at Only $350

Expert advice from a home inspector with over 30 years experience so you buy a home that lasts.


Save Hassle & Time with T.H.I. Services!

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Most Popular Ancillary Services

*Termite Inspections start at only $150

*Radon Testing starts at $150 (3rd Party)

*Septic Inspections start at $150 and Up

*We cannot predict the needs for each septic system inspection. Please be prepared for additional costs incurred. Additional costs will be beyond our control in some cases. However, we make every effort to minimize our fee.

Sewer Scope, Electronic Tracers, Digging, Drawings, Trips and Time will incur additional costs.

Each septic system offers unique challenges, conditions and components. 

**NOTE: All Septic Inspections require access to the interior of the septic tank and possibly the distribution box.

It is the Seller's responsibility to ensure we have access when we arrive onsite.

We do NOT dig up lids during Home Inspections due to time restraints.

A separate inspection date may be necessary.

The inspection may require further evaluation and additional associated costs to return if access is not available on the scheduled inspection date.

A Few of Our Professional Associations

residential property inspector
InterNachi CPI Icon
veteran owned
home buyer friendly
Areas Served
We are State Licensed to Serve all of Indiana.
 If you live outside our Service Area. Give us call for a Quote!


White Counties
Serving Benton, Boone, Cass, Carroll, Clinton, Fountain, Hamilton, Howard, Miami, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, Tipton, Warren and White Counties

Hours of operation are from 8:00am to 8:00pm Sunday through Saturday

Feel free to Text or Email any questions or concerns 24/7

T.H.I. Services is here for you!

home buyer friendly
First Time Home Buyer Friendly?
Yes! We are First Time Home Buyer Friendly.

What that means is we explain everything to you in simple terms. The report you'll get lays everything out so you don't need a degree in rocket science to understand what you're buying. Click the button below now to get started.

T.H.I. Services is a Veteran Owned Company...

We proudly served our Country. Let us proudly serve you. You'll enjoy the highest level of Service with Integrity. Not only that, we've got over 30 years experience in residential construction. Put our tenacity to work for you.
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veteran owned
chase payment
We Accept All Major Cards | Safe & Secure
Payment Options

You may pay at the Inspection with Cash or Check.  (Made to THI Services)

chase payment
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